Students who would benefit from additional support
The Curriculum Advisory Consultant (CAC) and classroom teacher meet to discuss additional support requirements for each child.
In some cases additional support is given in the classroom, in others the child may take part in one of the variety of short-term programs available at Hatton Vale State School. In some instances both classroom and program support are provided.
Programs are run for classes, small groups and individuals as part of Student Services and Hatton Vale State School’s Improvement Agenda.
Perceptual Motor Program-Smart Starters - aimed at developing children’s physical motor skills that provide the foundations necessary for success in their early school years. These programs are run as proactive (preventative) programs for students in Prep and Grade 1. Some older students may also benefit from small group sessions
Oral Language Program-Chatterboxes - compiled by an Education Queensland Speech Language Pathologist to use with pre-school and year one students who have been identified as students who would benefit from oral language support. The program focuses on vocabulary, listening, grammar and stories (specifically storytelling and comprehension of questions relating to storybooks.)
Phonological Awareness Program - Prep Meta-developed by an Education Queensland Speech Language Pathologist, primarily for Prep students. The program focuses on skills needed for reading e.g. vocabulary specific to developing literacy e.g. reading behaviours, syllable awareness, rhyme identification and creation, initial and final sound awareness, segmenting and blending sounds, and short vowels.
Literacy Development - The Early Literacy Foundations (ELF Support Program) developed as an early literacy intervention aimed at students in their first two years of formal schooling (5.5 to 7.5 years of age - approximate).
Students who experience difficulties in the areas of listening, reading or spelling also tend to struggle with motor, sensory and perceptual skills. This program focuses on the development of two key areas:
Phonological awareness and its application in reading and spelling.
Motor and sensory skills necessary for maintaining attention, sitting upright, and handwriting.
Literacy Development- The PAL program - for students aged 7.5+ years with mild to severe phonological awareness/ processing difficulties associated with difficulties in decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) words. The PAL develops students’ phonological awareness and processing skills, sound-letter automaticity and includes finely graded practice of reading and spelling.